JULY 9, 2021
Federal Funding Opportunities
U.S. Department of Commerce; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Program Office letters of intent due August 9, 2021
The Climate Program Office (CPO) addresses economic, health, safety and security related climate challenges by managing competitive research programs through which high-priority climate science, assessments, decision-support research, outreach, education, and capacity-building activities are funded to advance our understanding of the Earth’s climate system, and to foster the application and use of this knowledge to improve our resilience. Through this announcement, CPO is seeking applications for the following eight individual competitions:
Several of these competitions are relevant to four high-priority climate risk areas CPO is focusing on to improve science understanding and/or capabilities that result in user-driven outcomes: Coastal Inundation, Marine Ecosystems, Water Resources, and Extreme Heat.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Agency for Health Care Research and Quality Large Research Projects for Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections applications due October 5, 2021
This funding opportunity supports research projects that propose to advance the base of knowledge for detection, prevention, and reduction of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) in the following broad areas:
- Determination of the clinical efficacy and effectiveness of preventive interventions, including unintended adverse consequences
- Characterization and assessment of relevant epidemiological aspects of HAIs, including but not limited to patient risk factors, clinical presentation, and sources of antibiotic-resistant organisms involved in the development of HAIs
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Helping to End Addictions Long-term Initiative: Novel Targets for Opioid Use Disorders and Opioid Overdose applications due October 19, 2021
This funding announcement is part of the National Institutes of Health’s Helping to End Addictions Long-term (HEAL) initiative to accelerate the development of novel medications to treat all aspects of the opioid addiction cycle, including progression to chronic use, withdrawal symptoms, craving, relapse, and overdose. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support research projects focusing on the identification of druggable new targets and discovery of optimizable probes for development of safe and efficacious medications to prevent and treat opioid use disorders, opioid overdose, and opioid-polysubstance use comorbidities.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Transformative Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Based Strategies to Identify Determinants of Exceptional Health and Life Span applications due October 28, 2021
This funding opportunity seeks to develop novel transformative artificial intelligence/machine learning strategies and computer automation to integrate, extract, and interpret multi-omic (i.e., genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, microbiome, phenome) data sets from human exceptional longevity cohorts and multiple non-human species that display wide variation in life span and decipher the relationships between DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites, and other cell variables, as well as links to disease risks and exceptionally healthy aging.
U.S Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Growing Great Ideas: Research Education Course in Product Development and Entrepreneurship for Life Science Researchers applications due November 18, 2021
This funding opportunity seeks applications to develop a customized curriculum and implement education programs/short courses in biomedical entrepreneurship, innovation and biomedical product development, specifically targeting scientists working in the field of drug addiction research. The institution proposing the course must be an institution that has an established and well-recognized entrepreneurship teaching program with the demonstrated ability and passion to adapt/develop and deliver the integrated curriculum for the academic life scientists.
U.S. Department of the Interior; Bureau of Reclamation Desalination and Water Purification Research Program applications due September 9, 2021
The Desalination and Water Purification Research (DWPR) Program’s goal is to increase water supplies by reducing the cost, energy consumption, and environmental impacts of treating impaired and otherwise unusable waters. This funding opportunity invites applicants to address any of the following objectives:
- Reduce energy consumption and lower the cost of desalination
- Reduce the environmental impacts of seawater desalination and develop technology and strategies to minimize those impacts
- Improve existing membrane technologies, including reverse osmosis
- Carry out basic and applied research on next generation desalination technologies, including improved energy recovery systems and renewable energy-powered desalination systems that could significantly reduce desalination costs
- Develop and promote innovative desalination technologies, including concentrate management and chloride control
- Study methods for the recovery of byproducts resulting from desalination to offset the costs of treatment and to reduce environmental impacts from those byproducts
- Develop metrics to analyze the costs and benefits of desalination relative to other sources of water (including costs and benefits related to associated infrastructure, energy use, environmental impacts, and diversification of water supplies)
- Assess environmental impacts from desalination intake, concentrate management approaches, and reclaimed water
- Develop improved intake methods at coastal facilities to minimize impingement of larger organisms and entrainment of smaller ones
- Improve pretreatment for membrane desalination
- Improve membrane system performance
- Develop novel approaches or processes to desalinate water in a way that reduces primary energy use
- Develop cost-effective approaches for concentrate management that minimize potential environmental impacts
- Develop a better understanding of the formation of hazardous transformation products during water treatment for reuse and ways to minimize or remove them
- Develop a better understanding of pathogen removal efficiencies and the variability of performance in various unit processes and multibarrier treatment and develop ways to optimize these processes
- Identify better indicators and surrogates to monitor process performance in reuse scenarios and develop online real-time or near real-time analytical monitoring techniques for their measurement
Institute of Museum and Library Services Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program preliminary proposals due September 24, 2021
The Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program supports the development of a diverse workforce of librarians and archivists in order to meet the information needs of their communities by enhancing the training and professional development of library and archives professionals; developing faculty and information leaders; and recruiting, educating, and retaining the next generation of library and archives professionals. The goals for this program are to generate projects of broad impact that:
- Recruit, train, develop, and retain a diverse workforce of library and archives professionals
- Develop faculty, library, and archives leaders by increasing the institutional capacity of libraries, archives, and of graduate programs related to library and information science
- Enhance the training and professional development of the library and archival workforce to meet the needs of their communities
Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grants for Libraries preliminary proposals due September 24, 2021
The National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program supports projects that address critical needs of the library and archives fields and have the potential to advance practice in these professions to strengthen library and archival services for the American public. Successful proposals will generate results such as new models, new tools, research findings, services, practices, and/or alliances that can be widely used, adapted, scaled, or replicated to extend and leverage the benefits of federal investment. The goals for this program are to generate projects of national impact that:
- Build the workforce and institutional capacity for managing the national information infrastructure and serving the information and education needs of the public
- Build the capacity of libraries and archives to lead and contribute to efforts that improve community well-being and strengthen civic engagement
- Improve the ability of libraries and archives to provide broad access to and use of information and collections with emphasis on collaboration to avoid duplication and maximize reach
- Strengthen the ability of libraries to provide services to affected communities in the event of an emergency or disaster
- Strengthen the ability of libraries, archives, and museums to work collaboratively for the benefit of the communities they serve.
National Science Foundation Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Frontiers letters of intent due September 7, 2021
The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program welcomes proposals that address cybersecurity and privacy, and draw on expertise in one or more of these areas: computing, communication and information sciences; engineering; economics; education; mathematics; statistics; and social and behavioral sciences. This solicitation seeks ambitious and potentially transformative center-scale projects in the area of cybersecurity and privacy that catalyze far-reaching research explorations motivated by deep scientific questions or hard problems and/or by compelling applications and novel technologies that promise significant scientific and/or societal benefits; and stimulate significant research and education outcomes that, through effective knowledge transfer mechanisms, promise scientific, economic and/or other societal benefits.
National Science Foundation Environmental Convergence Opportunities in Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems preliminary proposals due October 1, 2021
This solicitation will support fundamental research activities that confront vexing environmental engineering and sustainability problems by developing foundational knowledge underlying processes and mechanisms such that the design of innovative new materials, processes, and systems is possible. A key objective of the solicitation is to encourage dialogue and tightly integrated collaborations wherein members of the chemical process systems, transport phenomena, and bioengineering research communities engage with environmental engineering and sustainability experts to spark innovation and arrive at unanticipated solutions. Furthermore, training the future workforce to successfully engage in discipline-transcending research will support continued innovation toward surmounting the complex environmental and sustainability challenges facing our global community.
National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education applications due October 14, 2021
With a focus on two-year Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs), the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program supports the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive the economy. The program involves partnerships between academic institutions (grades 7-12, IHEs), industry, and economic development agencies to promote improvement in the education of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary institution school levels. The ATE program supports curriculum development; professional development of college faculty and secondary school teachers; career pathways; and other activities. The program invites applied research proposals that advance the knowledge base related to technician education. con It is required that projects be faculty driven and that courses and programs are credit bearing, although materials developed may also be used for incumbent worker education.