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Appropriations/Budget News

April 14, 2023

IHE G-News April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023
Federal Funding Opportunities

U.S. Department of Commerce; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ocean Exploration pre-proposals due May 30, 2023

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Exploration is soliciting proposals for projects focused on one of the following three themes:

  • Ocean Exploration and Discovery: Proposals should be in support of the NOAA Ocean Exploration mission to explore unknown or poorly known ocean areas, processes, and resources in waters deeper than 200 meters. NOAA Ocean Exploration is particularly interested in exploration of physical, chemical, and biological environments and processes within the oceanic water column in these deep waters, however, proposals for projects in shallower waters will be considered if they focus on exploration of tropical mesophotic environments.
  • Technology: Proposals should feature application of new or novel use of existing ocean technologies or innovative methods that could increase the scope and efficiency of acquiring ocean exploration data and expanding its availability and use. NOAA Ocean Exploration is particularly interested in proposals for technologies that are platform agnostic, work across multiple platforms, and/or address novel methods, for example machine learning and artificial intelligence, to analyze existing publicly accessible large datasets.
  • Maritime Heritage: Proposals should address exploration and discovery of significant maritime heritage resources that improve archaeological knowledge and inform decisions concerning preservation, management, and potential seafloor use. NOAA Ocean Exploration is particularly interested in proposals that include the use of innovative and advanced technology and methodology.

U.S. Department of Commerce; Economic Development Administration STEM Talent Challenge applications due June 12, 2023

The Economic Development Administration is seeking applications to create and implement innovative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) work-based learning models, such as Registered Apprenticeships, that complement a region’s innovation economy. The STEM Talent Challenge seeks to develop or expand regional workforce capacity to support high-growth, high-wage entrepreneurial ventures, industries of the future, including industries that leverage emerging technologies, and other innovation—driven businesses that have a high likelihood of accelerating economic competitiveness and job creation in the regions.

U.S. Department of Education; Office of Postsecondary Education Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program applications due May 22, 2023

The Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program provides grants for planning, developing, and carrying out projects to strengthen and improve undergraduate instruction in international studies and foreign languages. Projects must enhance primarily the international academic program of the institution, and activities may include but are not limited to:

  • Development of a global or international studies program that is interdisciplinary in design;
  • Development of a program that focuses on issues or topics, such as international business or international health;
  • Development of an area studies program and programs in corresponding foreign languages;
  • Creation of innovative curricula that combine the teaching of international studies with professional and preprofessional studies, such as engineering;
  • Research for and development of specialized teaching materials, including language instruction;
  • Establishment of internship opportunities for faculty and students in domestic and overseas settings; and
  • Development of study abroad programs.

U.S. Department of Education; Office of Postsecondary Education Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program applications due May 30, 2023

The Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program is designed to effect long-range improvement in science and engineering education at predominantly minority institutions and to increase the participation of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly minority women, into scientific and technological careers.

U.S. Department of Energy Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Industrial Assessment Centers and Building Training Assessment Centers concept papers due May 25, 2023

This funding opportunity will establish new Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) at community colleges, trade schools, and union training programs, as well as create new Building Training and Assessment Centers (BTACs) at institutions of higher education. The new IACs and BTACs that will be created with this funding will build upon the demonstrated success of applied learning environments and hands-on training approaches of existing IACs. The new IACs will focus on high-quality skilled trades job pathways in fields such as industrial electrician, energy management, renewable energy, and advanced manufacturing, while providing hands-on support to small and medium manufacturers. The new BTACs will expand these benefits to commercial and institutional buildings to help lower utility costs and allow companies to reinvest in businesses, employees, and community services. BTACs will train students and workers as engineers, architects, building scientists, building energy permitting and enforcement officials, and building technicians in energy-efficient design and operation.

NEW: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health releases Open Broad Agency Announcement with abstracts due no later than March 14, 2024

The new Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) mission is to accelerate better health outcomes for everyone by supporting the development of high-impact solutions to society’s most challenging health problems. Awardees will develop groundbreaking new ways to tackle health-related challenges through high-potential, high-impact biomedical and health research. With a scope spanning the molecular to the societal, ARPA-H seeks proposals that aim to rapidly achieve better health outcomes across patient populations, communities, diseases, and health conditions, including in support of the Cancer Moonshot. Proposals are expected to use innovative approaches to enable revolutionary advances in science, technology, or systems. The four initial focus areas are:

  • Health Science Futures, which seeks to develop innovative tools, technologies, and platforms that can be applied to a broad range of diseases.
  • Scalable Solutions, which seeks to improve access and affordability and address health ecosystem challenges that impede effective and timely development and distribution of healthcare and disease response at a scale.
  • Proactive Health, which seeks to improve personal health and wellness to reduce the likelihood that people require medical intervention or minimize the time that they remain in acute care through accelerated recovery and regeneration capabilities.
  • Resilient Systems, which seeks to create capabilities, develop mechanisms, and accelerate system integrations to enhance stability in the face of disruptive events.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Health Resources and Services Administration Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP): The National HCOP Academies applications due May 24, 2023

The purpose of this grant program is to assist students from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter and successfully complete health profession schools. The National HCOP Academies will prepare students to meet the admissions requirements for the next level of their education and receive a health professions degree or certificate. National HCOP Academies’ goals are to:

  • Improve recruitment, matriculation, retention, and graduation rates by implementing tailored enrichment programs designed to address the academic and social needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Provide opportunities for community-based experiential health professions training, emphasizing experiences in underserved communities.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health seeks research proposals on the Impacts of Climate Change across the Cancer Control Continuum

This funding opportunity aims to support innovative research relevant to advancing the understanding of the effects of climate change on cancer risks, control, and survivorship, and ways to prevent or mitigate negative health effects. This includes, but is not limited to understanding the impact of climate-related environmental changes on cancer risks, control, and health behaviors; mitigating the impacts of climate-related cancer care delivery disruptions; developing and testing behavioral interventions that reduce cancer risks and improve environmental health; and investigating and reducing health inequities resulting from direct and/or indirect effects of climate change across the cancer control continuum.

This opportunity calls for multidisciplinary observational, intervention, and/or implementation research. Research with consideration for populations that experience cancer health disparities and who are likely to experience a disproportionate burden of effects from a changing climate, is encouraged. Applicants should address how climate change is affecting: cancer risks and carcinogenic exposures; cancer prevention behaviors such as dietary intake, physical activity, and ultraviolet radiation exposure; or disruptions to healthcare systems and cancer care management. Research applications must include collaboration with a researcher with climate change expertise and are encouraged to integrate multiple disciplines because the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on cancer-related outcomes are complex, synergistic, and multilevel.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Entry-Level Modules for Training the Genomics Research Workforce applications due June 1, 2023

The purpose of this program is to develop, implement, and evaluate modules of genomics-related curriculum for the diverse entry-level biomedical research workforce by supporting lead sites teamed with partner sites; and support and facilitate opportunities for the entry-level research workforce to enhance diversity in genomics. This funding opportunity will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development, and training modules will be made freely available, at no cost to the broader community.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity Research Education Experiences applications due June 7, 2023

The Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity program is designed to foster the development of undergraduate freshmen and sophomores from diverse backgrounds to pursue further studies and careers in bioengineering or STEM fields relevant to the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering’s scientific mission. This will prepare students to join, in their junior and senior years, an honors program that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Math and entrance into a Ph.D. program. The ultimate goal is for the participants to pursue a doctoral degree and a subsequent research career in bioengineering or NIBIB-relevant field.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Science Education Partnership Award applications due July 14, 2023

The overarching goal of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) program is to support educational activities that encourage pre-college students (pre-kindergarten to grade 12) from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. SEPA supports two types of projects: classroom-based projects for pre-kindergarten to grade 12 (pre-college) students and teachers and informal science education projects conducted in outside-the-classroom venues, such as science centers, museums, and libraries.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Director’s Early Independence Awards applications due September 6, 2023

The Director’s Early Independence Award supports rigorous and promising junior investigators who wish to pursue independent research soon after completion of their terminal doctoral degree or post-graduate clinical training, thereby forgoing the traditional post-doctoral training period and accelerating their entry into an independent research career.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Directors New Innovator Award Program applications due August 18, 2023

The Directors New Innovator Award Program supports early stage investigators of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative research projects with the potential to produce a major impact on broad, important problems relevant to the mission of the National Institutes of Health.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Directors Pioneer Award Program applications due September 8, 2023

The Directors Pioneer Award Program supports individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative and potentially transformative research towards the ultimate goal of enhancing human health. To be considered pioneering, the proposed research must reflect substantially different scientific directions from those already being pursued in the investigators research program or elsewhere.

U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice Youth Mentoring Research and Evaluation deadline May 30, 2023 and JustGrants deadline June 13, 2023

Mentoring is a prominent strategy for delinquency prevention and victimization recovery that offers at-risk youth structured support from older or more experienced mentors to provide positive role models and promote resilience. The National Institute of Justice seeks applications for rigorous youth mentoring research and independent evaluation projects that address barriers/impediments for youth involved in the justice system to access mentoring services and/or mentoring programs that serve youth involved in the justice system.

U.S. Department of Justice; National Institute of Justice Research and Evaluation on Policing Practices, Accountability Mechanisms, and Alternatives deadline June 6, 2023 and JustGrants deadline June 20, 2023

The National Institute of Justice seeks rigorous, applied research and evaluation projects examining the impact of: police accountability practices; the shifting and sharing of police functions; police training; and police officer health and wellness programs on an array of police performance outcomes (e.g., officer intervening and reporting of misconduct, excessive or unnecessary use of force, civilian complaints, officer and civilian injuries, police accountability and transparency, public trust and confidence in the police, and quality of police-community relationships).

U.S. Department of Labor; Employment and Training Administration Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program applications due July 7, 2023

The purpose of the Department of Labor Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program is to fund public-private partnerships to develop, strengthen, and scale promising and evidence-based training models in H-1B industries and occupations critical to meeting the goals of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and to maximize the impact of these investments. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Grant Program serves dual purposes by implementing and scaling worker-centered sector strategies to support the workforce necessary for successful implementation of the BIL. To embed strong worker voice into these grant projects, applicants should engage workers during the initial grant proposal development phase to ensure that worker needs and priorities and job quality are incorporated into the project design.

National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Projects for the Public applications due June 14, 2023

This program supports projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments. All projects should:

  • Present analysis that deepens public understanding of significant humanities ideas;
  • Incorporate sound humanities scholarship;
  • Involve humanities scholars in all phases of development and production;
  • Include appropriate digital media professionals;
  • Reach a broad public through a realistic plan for development, marketing, and distribution;
  • Create appealing digital formats for the general public; and
  • Demonstrate the capacity to sustain themselves.

National Endowment for the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources applications due July 18, 2023

The Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program supports projects that provide an essential underpinning for scholarship, education, and public engagement in the humanities. It strengthens efforts to extend the reach of humanities collections and make their intellectual content widely accessible. Awards also support the creation of reference resources that facilitate the use of cultural materials, from works that provide basic information quickly to tools that synthesize and codify knowledge of a subject for in-depth investigation.

National Science Foundation Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-2 letters of intent due May 15, 2023

The Mid-scale Research Infrastructure Programs funds research infrastructure, including equipment, cyberinfrastructure, large-scale datasets and personnel, whose costs fall between $20 and $100 million.

National Science Foundation Safe Learning-Enabled Systems proposals due May 26, 2023

The objective of the Safe Learning-Enabled Systems program is to foster foundational research that leads to the design and implementation of learning-enabled systems in which safety is ensured with high levels of confidence. While traditional machine learning systems are evaluated pointwise with respect to a fixed test set, such static coverage provides only limited assurance when exposed to unprecedented conditions in high-stakes operating environments. Verifying that learning components of such systems achieve safety guarantees for all possible inputs may be difficult, if not impossible. Instead, a system’s safety guarantees will often need to be established with respect to systematically generated data from realistic (yet appropriately pessimistic) operating environments.

NEW: National Science Foundation Building the Prototype Open Knowledge Network proposals due June 20, 2023

This program supports the creation of a prototype Open Knowledge Network, an interconnected network of knowledge graphs supporting a very broad range of application domains. Open access to shared information is essential for the development and evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-powered solutions needed to address the complex challenges facing the nation and the world. Knowledge graphs, which represent relationships among real-world entities, provide a powerful approach for organizing, representing, integrating, reusing, and accessing data from multiple structured and unstructured sources using ontologies and ontology alignment. Currently, private-sector investments in knowledge graphs power numerous consumer applications including web search, e-commerce, banking, drug discovery, and advertising. Undertaking a similar but inclusive, open, and community-driven effort and making use of publicly available data holds the potential to create a platform that would empower government and non-government users, fueling evidence-based policymaking, continued strong economic growth, game-changing scientific breakthroughs, while addressing complex societal challenges from climate change to social equity. Projects funded by this program will provide an essential public-data infrastructure to power the next information revolution similar to the Internet, transforming our ability to unlock actionable insights from data by semantically linking information about related entities.

National Science Foundation; Centers for Research Innovation in Science, the Environment and Society proposals due June 26, 2023

This opportunity supports researchers in the social, behavioral and economic sciences who use empirical methods to grapple with crises that impact individuals, families, organizations, regions, nations or our entire planet. The Centers for Research in Science, the Environment and Society initiative invites proposals to take the first steps toward developing large-scale interdisciplinary research activities that will address today’s crises and ultimately enhance people’s quality of life.

National Science Foundation CyberCorps Scholarship for Service applications due July 17, 2023

The CyberCorps Scholarship for Service program seeks proposals to establish scholarship programs in cybersecurity. The program goals are to: increase the number of qualified and diverse cybersecurity candidates for government cybersecurity positions; improve the national capacity for the education of cybersecurity professionals and research and development workforce; hire, monitor, and retain high-quality CyberCorps graduates in the cybersecurity mission of the Federal Government; and strengthen partnerships between institutions of higher education and federal, state, local, and tribal governments. A proposing institution must provide clearly documented evidence of a strong existing academic program in cybersecurity.

National Science Foundation A Science of Science Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise proposals due September 11, 2023

The National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health are interested in proposals that will propel our understanding of the biomedical research enterprise by drawing from the scientific expertise of the science of science policy research community. This partnership will result in a portfolio of high-quality research to provide scientific analysis of important aspects of the biomedical research enterprise and efforts to foster a diverse, innovative, productive and efficient scientific workforce, from which future scientific leaders will emerge.

National Science Foundation Computer and Information Science and Engineering Research Initiation Initiative applications due September 20, 2023

The Computer Research Initiation Initiative program seeks to develop and grow the research capabilities of future generations of computer and information scientists and engineers, including computational and data scientists and engineers. This solicitation provides the opportunity for early-career researchers who do not have adequate organizational or other means of support to pursue their early-career research, including to recruit and mentor their first graduate students or undergraduate students, in the case of faculty at undergraduate and two-year institutions, which is one critical step in a career pathway that is expected to lead to research independence and a subsequent stream of projects, discoveries, students and publications.

National Science Foundation’s Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity Initiative releases first program description funding opportunity with applications accepted at anytime

The Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) initiative supports ambitious ideas and innovative strategies to address challenges and inequalities within the research enterprise. The research enterprise is broadly defined and includes administrative support and service infrastructure such as, but not limited to, human capital, research development and administration, research analytics, technology transfer and commercialization, corporate relations/public-private partnerships, research integrity, compliance and security, research policy, administration of student research training, and research leadership.

Proposals in response to the GRANTED program description should be broadly inclusive and engage the professional, administrative research support and service workforce in project leadership roles described within proposals. Proposed projects should look beyond individual and discipline-specific research needs and focus on activities that create institution/organization-wide impact. Projects that identify nationally scalable models to build and sustain research enterprise infrastructure are strongly encouraged. Competitive proposals will recognize structural challenges and include goals to implement interventions, solutions, and/or strategies that will mitigate the challenges and broaden participation. Proposals must be centered around one or more of the three main themes of GRANTED:

  • Enhancing practices and processes within the research enterprise;
  • Developing and strengthening human capital within the research enterprise;
  • Translating effective practices related to the research enterprise into diverse institutional and organizational contexts though partnerships with professional societies and organizations.

While proposals are accepted anytime funding has been NSF strongly encourages proposals to be submitted as soon as possible so that they can be reviewed and receive funding in FY23.

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