Legislative Affairs

October 26, 2022

WSW Special Report: 2022 Midterm “Open Seats”

As we all await and anticipate the results of the November 8th election and its impact in terms of which party controls the House and Senate and what that means for policy and political agendas in 2023, there are some things we already know today.

For instance, there are a significant number of “open seats” in both the House (68) and Senate (8). These open seats come as a result of Members who have retired, been redistricted out of House seats, or were defeated in primaries. Again, that means there will be a large number of new Members- and Senators-elect in both the House and Senate, and these reports preview who those new Members- and Senators-elect will be. We recommend using these reports to familiarize yourself with the likely new Members/Senators as well as using it to think through with your WSW team lead on where there might be recognizable natural alliances between your organization and these new Members, and plan for outreach accordingly once they are sworn in to office in January.

These reports will be updated for you after the election and will include actual election results, along with other new Members- and Senators-elect from seats where any current incumbent is defeated, resulting in yet more new faces in Congress.

House Report
Senate Report

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