November 5, 2019 How will Congress end FY 20 Appropriations?


How will Congress end the FY 20 appropriations?

CQ posted an article this week that said rumors to extend the next CR into late January or early February are dead.  Instead, the more popular date for the new CR is through Dec. 13 or 20. Besides determining a new CR date, the parties need to resolve outstanding differences between each other. Democrats want more funding for the FY 20 Labor-HHS bill:

“Senate Democrats last month proposed adding $3.3 billion to the bill’s allocation, paid for by cuts to the DHS bill, but the GOP countered with just $1 billion more – offset through surplus Pell Grant funds within the Labor-HHS-Subcommittee jurisdiction. The House L-HHS bill, written before the budget deal was passed, provides $14 billion more than the Senate bill.

The parties also disagree on funding for the Trump wall. The White House is asking for $8.6B for wall construction. The Senate Homeland Security bill appropriates $5B. The House bill provides no funding for new physical barriers. CQ states that, “Passing all the bills before the new year would require a compromise on the wall and transfer authority.”

“One option proposed by Democrats is to use emergency funds, cap adjustments or both to free up discretionary funds to allow for a higher Labor-HHS-Education allocation. Republicans have not expressed any willingness to go along with this. They say it would involve reopening negotiations over the budget deal that specified adjustments above the caps for war funds and 2020 census costs.

“Another possible option would be to spread funds for wall construction over several different bills, including the massive Defense bill as well as Homeland Security and Military Construction-VA, allowing resources for the wall to take a smaller bite out of each bill.”

The pressure is on to reach some sort of a deal because there are only eight legislative days left before the current CR expires on November 21.

For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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October 24, 2019 Next Continuing Resolution – how long?


Appropriators seem resigned to believing that another CR is inevitable. The current CR runs through November 21.

SAC Chairman Richard Shelby yesterday predicted the next CR will go into early next year as Bloomberg reports:

“‘That’s probably in the ballpark,’ Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) said when asked about a continuing resolution to February or March.”

However, HAC Chairwoman Nita Lowey believes they need a shorter CR to keep their feet to the fire:
“‘I’ll have to have more discussions with them to see why they can’t get their work done,’ Lowey said after Shelby’s comment.”

House E & W Ranking Member Mike Simpson thinks that the next CR will go until January:

“‘I am worried about a longer CR,’ Simpson told reporters yesterday. ‘If that’s the case, there has to be a whole lot of anomalies in there. Otherwise, it would be devastating to our defense.'”

Under a full year CR defense programs would lose a $22 billion increase and non-defense a $24.5 billion increase.
The Senate will debate the “domestic minibus” (Ag, Interior, CJS and THUD) next week but plans to start debate on the “defense minibus” (LHHS, DoD, SFOPS and E & W) have stalled over finalizing the FY 20 302(b) allocations.

“Senate Appropriations Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee Chairman Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) told reporters yesterday.

“‘My expectation is we will not get the bill through the Senate unless there’s agreement on the number that would be in the final bill that goes to the president’s desk,’ Blunt said, reiterating that it would have to be a bicameral agreement.”

The major roadblock in finalizing the 302(b)s is funding for the Trump wall. Caitlin Emma tweeted on that yesterday:

“Senate appropriators are looking for a sign from Trump on border wall funding, acknowledging that the president is unlikely to get the $5 billion in fiscal 2020 funding proposed by the upper chamber:

“Shelby: ‘It reminds me of when lawyers, on behalf of their client, sue somebody for X hundreds of thousands of dollars, knowing they’re never going to get there and then they settle it. Sometimes, they get more. But very seldom.'”

SAC Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy said that the inability to resolve the allocations rests with the White House as Roll Call reports:

“‘As one of the Republicans told me, it’s difficult because the White House will tell them one thing one day and something entirely different the next day,’ Leahy said, adding that there is also frustration over having to deal with acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, ‘who was so proud to never vote for an appropriations bill’ when he represented South Carolina in the House.'”

Another shutdown?
NBC News posted a story yesterday that alleges, President Trump will bring government to a halt rather than sign onto another CR:

“With funding for federal operations set to expire Nov. 21, the political class here is beginning to plan for the possibility – or the likelihood, in the eyes of some – that President Donald Trump will shut down the government to try to turn public opinion against House Democrats and their push to impeach him.

For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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Senate Appropriations approved FY20 GSA Funding


The Senate Appropriations Committee recently approved the fiscal year 2020 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill.  This legislation provides annual funding for the Treasury Department, the Executive Office of the President, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, the Small Business Administration, the General Services Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and several other independent agencies.

Attached is a summary of the funding recommendations. Some highlights:

  1. Provides $18 million for the Cybersecurity Enhancement Account of Treasury.
  2. Provides $6.1 million for the Treasury’s Department-Wide Systems and Capital Investments Programs.
  3. Of the amounts appropriated to the IRS for Operations Support, not less than $10 million shall be available for the development of a vendor tax check application.

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For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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September 30, 2019 Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act


The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs recently reported S.734 to the Senate, the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019. There is a similar bill (HR 1668) pending consideration in the House of Representatives. There is no floor schedule for either bill as yet.

The purpose of S. 734 is to proactively mitigate the risks posed by inadequately secured Internet of Things (IoT) devices through the establishment of minimum-security standards for IoT devices purchased by the Federal Government. The bill codifies the ongoing work of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop standards and guidelines, including minimum-security requirements, for the use of IoT devices by Federal agencies. The bill also directs the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to issue the necessary policies and principles to implement the NIST standards and guidelines on IoT security and management.

Additionally, the bill requires NIST, in consultation with cybersecurity researchers and industry experts, to publish guidelines for the reporting, coordinating, publishing, and receiving of information about Federal agencies’ security vulnerabilities and the coordinate resolutions of the reported vulnerabilities. OMB will provide the policies and principles and DHS will develop and issue the procedures necessary to implement NIST’s guidelines on coordinated vulnerability disclosure for Federal agencies. The bill includes a provision allowing Federal agency heads to waive the IoT use and management requirements issued by OMB for national security, functionality, alternative means, or economic reasons.

CBO Cost Estimate: Using information from NIST, CBO estimates that implementing the bill would cost $35 million over the 2019-2024 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary amounts.

In 2020, CBO estimates that NIST and OMB would spend a total of $11 million to develop the IoT guidelines and standards. Of that amount CBO estimates that NIST would spend a little more than $3 million to hire 11 employees and that OMB would spend about $350,000 to hire 2 employees. Those newly hired NIST staff would develop the new federal guidelines and provide technical assistance to federal agencies. In addition, CBO estimates that NIST would spend a little more than $3 million to hire contractors and convene workshops to assist with guideline development. Finally, CBO estimates that NIST would spend around $4 million to update their National Vulnerability Database (NVD) to account for the vulnerability of IoT data.

After 2020, CBO estimates that NIST and OMB would spend approximately $6 million annually to update the IoT guidelines and standards, report to Congress, and further update the NVD.

For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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House Committee Action on FY20 DHS Appropriations Act


Before the August recess, the House Committee on Appropriations acted on HR 3931, the FY 2020 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act. The full House has not yet acted on this legislation and is not likely to.  Action will await inclusion as part of whatever Omnibus legislation comes to pass. Some highlights of this bill:

  1. In the Management Directorate account, $223.7 million for phase two construction of a headquarters facility.
  2. $116.3 million for financial systems modernization.
  3. $10.3 million for the HIRT program.
  4. $20.6 million for Federal cybersecurity to accelerate data protection for the CDM program.

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For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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FY20 House Funding for HUD Cybersecurity and IT Fund

FY20 House Funding

The House of Representatives recently passed the FY 2020 Transportation/HUD Appropriations Act (HR 3163).   Included in this legislation is funding in the amount of $300 million for HUD’s Cybersecurity and Information Technology Fund.  This is $20 million more than requested and is specifically for the Federal Housing Administration’s IT for the purposes of improving operations, data security and financial risk assessment, and program performance, and eliminating fraud.

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For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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Keys to Winning Government Contracts

Andy Patrichuk, partner and GM at Deep Water Point and Bob Lohfeld, CEO of Lohfeld Consulting were interviewed on the Amtower Off-Center radio show to share insights on identifying, pursuing, bidding and winning government contracts.

Topics include:

  • market outlook, including the growth of “Best in class” contracts
  • what companies need to do to make “go/no go” bid decisions
  • the need to “influence” the RFP
  • the power of relationships in the market

FY2020 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill

FY2020 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill

The House Appropriations Committee recently approved the fiscal year 2020 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill. This legislation provides annual funding for the Treasury Department, the Executive Office of the President, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, the Small Business Administration, the General Services Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and several other independent agencies.

This legislation is scheduled for the House Floor this week. A summary of the recommendations is attached. Some highlights:

  • Provides $18 million for the Cybersecurity Enhancement Account
  • Provides $7.7 million for Bureau of the Fiscal Service for IT modernization
  • Provides $290 million for the Business System Modernization program
  • Provides $12.8 million for IT infrastructure with the Executive Office of the President

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For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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May 21, 2019 FY2020 House Funding for VA IT


The Military Construction/VA Appropriations legislation for FY 2020 has been reported out by the House Appropriations Committee and will be scheduled for floor action later. The Senate will have to act on its version which will be different from the House version.

Attached is an info paper on the recommendations of the Committee regarding IT funding. Some highlights:

  • Provides $77.9M for the Financial Management Business Transformation program
  • Provides 4.1M to support phase three of the Appeals Modernization Initiative
  • Provides $1.6B for the VA Electronic Health Record

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For more information, contact:
Jerry Chouinard
Deep Water Point Legislative Affairs Lead

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