Today, our WSW political reports provide a preview of what will be significant changes on many House and Senate Committees. Even before the election, and before we know which party will be in the Majority or Minority, we know there will be key vacancies for Chairs and Ranking Members on key Committees. These reports provide a comprehensive look at where these known changes in Committee leadership will take place, as well as highlights where there are already committee “slots” open for rank-and-file Members to seek assignments to those Committees. We will be updating this report after the election, and as Chairs and Ranking Members are selected by their respective parties and rank-and-file Members receive updated Committee assignments.
Deep Water Point & Associates CEO, Brooke Smith, Named to PSC Board of Directors
MCLEAN, VA, January 7, 2025 – Deep Water Point & Associates (DWPA), a federal management consulting, advisory, and growth firm and portfolio company of Renovus Capital Partners, today announced that