Legislative Affairs

November 10, 2022

After the Election: What Comes Next?

Key Dates
November 14, 2022 (House & Senate Return for “Lame Duck” Session): 4 days
December 15, 2022 (Target Adjournment of 117th Congress): 35 days
December 16, 2022 (Continuing Resolution Expires): 36 days

In this week’s edition of News & Notes, we take a look at what we’ve learned over the past 48 hours following the 2022 Midterm Elections, and what to expect in the coming days and weeks. A lot has happened, and much is left to occur.

Here’s what you need to know:

An Updated Political Report. Yesterday, your organization should have received a copy of WSW’s 2022 Post-Election Report, where we examined the state-of-play. You can find our revised report – providing additional information as to what we know about the election – here. Topline, however, the Senate has come down to three seats: Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia. The former two are still tallying votes, while Georgia is guaranteed to head to a runoff. In the House, according to NBC News, Republicans have won 210 seats while Democrats have won 192. 33 remain uncalled. We are mostly waiting on races to be called in seats west of the Mississippi River.

We will be providing periodic updates via News and Notes through the rest of the year, to avoid giving you a daily blow-by-blow.

Lame Duck Items to Consider. Here is a non-exhaustive list of items to be keeping your eye on as we enter the lame-duck period of this Congress:

  • Passing an FY23 appropriations omnibus (or at least passing another continuing resolution)
  • Passing the annual National Defense Authorization Act
  • Protections for same-sex marriage
  • Modernizing the Electoral Count Act
  • Energy permitting changes
  • Hurricane relief
  • Aid for Ukraine
  • A water resources bill
  • Renewal of federal flood insurance
  • A cap on insulin prices
  • Extensions of targeted tax credits
  • Enhanced retirement savings

House Leadership Elections, Other Notable Dates Announced. House Republican leadership elections are scheduled for next Monday, November 14. House Democratic leadership elections are scheduled for after Thanksgiving, November 30. New Member Orientation is spread across two weeks – November 14-18 and November 28-December 2.

Donald Trump Likely to Launch a Presidential Run. Before the midterms, former President Trump teased that he would launch his presidential comeback bid the day before. Instead, he punted to next week. With disappointing results for House & Senate Republicans, some expected him to pump the breaks. Instead, he’s moving forward, and plans to make a “big announcement” on November 15.

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