July 1, 2021 Build Back Better Agenda, Congress developments


This edition includes updates on the challenges employers are facing with deciding whether to require employees to be vaccinated, as well as the latest on taxes and infrastructure.

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June 30, 2021 Special Higher Education Funding Update

JUNE 30, 2021

Federal Funding Opportunities

U.S. Department of Defense; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Defense Sciences Office releases Office-wide Broad Agency Announcement

The mission of the Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to identify and create the next generation of scientific discovery by pursuing high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives across a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines and transforming these initiatives into disruptive technologies for U.S. national security. In support of this mission, the DSO Office-wide Broad Agency Announcement invites proposers to submit innovative basic or applied research concepts or studies and analysis proposals that address one or more of the following technical thrust areas:

  • Frontiers in Math, Computation and Design
  • Limits of Sensing and Sensors
  • Complex Social Systems
  • Anticipating Surprise

Proposals must investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances. DSO is explicitly not interested in approaches or technologies that primarily result in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.

U.S. Department of Defense; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Tactical Technology Office releases Redefining Possible Broad Agency Announcement

The Tactical Technology Office (TTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is soliciting executive summaries, proposal abstracts, and proposals for applied research, advanced technology development, platform demonstrations, or systems studies that aim to redefine the future of warfighting across four domains: Air, Ground, Maritime, and Space. The mission of TTO is to redefine access and delivery of effects to every domain in the battlespace: space, air, ground, sea, and undersea in support of national security policy. This includes both platforms as well as the enabling support elements for delivering effects, such as unit-level autonomy or human-machine collaboration. TTO accomplishes this mission by placing bold bets on developing new and novel system technologies and conducting platform demonstrations at a credible scale in realistic, operationally relevant conditions to support technology transition.

U.S. Department of Education releases Proposed Priorities for Discretionary Grant Programs with comments due July 30, 2021

The Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, has proposed the following six priorities for use in discretionary grant programs which reflect his vision for American education:

  • Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Students, Educators and Faculty
  • Promoting Equity in Student access to Educational Resources, Opportunities, and Welcoming Environments
  • Supporting a Diverse Educator Workforce and Professional Growth to Strengthen Student Learning
  • Meeting Student Social, Emotional, and Academic Needs
  • Increasing Postsecondary Education Access, Affordability, Completion, and Post-Enrollment Success
  • Strengthening Cross-Agency Coordination and Community Engagement to Advance Systemic Change

U.S. Department of Education; Office of Postsecondary Education Business and International Education Program applications due August 13, 2021

The Business and International Education Program provides grants to enhance international business education programs and expand the capacity of the business community to engage in international economic activities.

NEW: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Public Health Informatics and Technology Workforce Development Program applications due August 11, 2021

The goal of the new Public Health Informatics and Technology (PHIT) Workforce Development Program is to train at least 4,000 individuals in public health informatics and technology, with an emphasis on improving public health reporting through modern standards and computing, to expand the nation’s public health workforce. With a focus on educating and diversifying the public health workforce, and reducing longstanding health disparities and inequities, the program will prioritize recruiting underrepresented students from historically Black colleges and universities, tribal colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, Asian-American and Pacific Islander serving institutions, and minority serving institutions. The curriculum should be culturally responsive and designed in a way that meets the needs of the local health care agencies and sets students up for success in the training program.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Research on Interventions that Promote the Careers of Individuals in the Biomedical Research Enterprise applications due October 13, 2021

This funding opportunity solicits applications that propose research designed to test training, mentoring, and networking interventions intended to enhance research-oriented individuals’ interest, motivation, persistence and preparedness for careers in the biomedical research workforce. Funded projects are expected to produce research findings that will guide the design and implementation of potential interventions in a variety of academic settings and career levels to enhance the diversity of the biomedical research workforce.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health seeks research on The Role of Work in Health Disparities in the U.S.

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support innovative population-based research that can contribute to identifying and characterizing pathways and mechanisms through which work or occupation influences health outcomes and health status among populations with health and/or health care disparities, and how work functions as a social determinant of health.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health; National Heart, Ling, and Blood Institute seeks Short-Term Research Education Program proposals to Enhance Diversity in Health-Related Research

The goal of this program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral and clinical research workforce by providing research experiences and related opportunities that enrich the pool of individuals from nationally underrepresented groups who will be available to compete for research opportunities in the mission areas of importance to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Forecasted NEW Opportunity: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Preventing Opioid Misuse and other Drug Use by Intervening on Social Determinants

The National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities and the National Institute on Aging, intend to promote a new initiative by publishing a funding opportunity sometime this fall for research on the impact of prevention strategies that actively address social determinants and that intervene at multiple levels of influence to reduce the risk of opioid misuse, polysubstance use, or risky substance use.

Forecasted NEW Opportunity: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes of Health Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities

The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities intends to promote another new initiative by publishing a notice of special interest this winter to solicit applications for research highlighting the important need for community-engaged research to address vaccine hesitancy, uptake, and implementation among populations who experience health disparities.

NEW: National Endowment for the Arts American Rescue Plan Grants to Organizations applications due August 12, 2021

The American Rescue Plan’s Grants to Organizations program will be carried out through one-time grants to support operations. Unlike other Arts Endowment funding programs that offer project-based support, Rescue Plan funds are intended to support day-to-day business expenses/operating costs, and not specific programmatic activities.

National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities Connections applications due September 14, 2021

The purpose of the Humanities Connections program is to expand the role of the humanities in undergraduate education by supporting innovative curricular approaches that foster partnerships among humanities faculty and their counterparts in the social and natural sciences and in pre-service or professional programs, such as business, engineering, health sciences, law, computer science, and other technology-driven fields, in order to encourage and develop new integrative learning opportunities for students.

National Science Foundation Leading Engineering for America’s Prosperity, Health, and Infrastructure letter of intent due July 15, 2021

The Leading Engineering for America’s Prosperity, Health, and Infrastructure (LEAP HI) program challenges the engineering research community to take a leadership role in addressing demanding, urgent, and consequential challenges for advancing America’s prosperity, health and infrastructure. LEAP HI proposals confront engineering problems that are too complex to yield to the efforts of a single investigator, that is problems that require sustained and coordinated effort from interdisciplinary research teams, with goals that are not achievable through a series of smaller, short-term projects. LEAP HI projects perform fundamental research that may lead to disruptive technologies and methods, lay the foundation for new and strengthened industries, enable notable improvements in quality of life, or reimagine and revitalize the built environment.

National Science Foundation GERMINATION: Germination of Research Questions for Addressing Critical Societal Challenges letter of intent due August 27, 2021

The GERMINATION program aims to foster the development of pedagogical frameworks, platforms and/or environments to enable participants to formulate research questions and ideas with potentially transformative outcomes. The extraordinary response of the STEM research community to the COVID-19 pandemic, exemplified by the record-breaking speed of novel vaccine development, highlights the outstanding capabilities at all levels of the research enterprise. The GERMINATION program seeks to harness the immense capacities of academic researchers to similarly address other critical global challenges through supporting the development of new pedagogical approaches that train researchers to formulate and develop key research questions.

Congress Infrastructure & Climate Change Agenda Bipartisan Framework Agreed To


117th Congress Infrastructure & Climate Change Agenda
Bipartisan Framework Agreed To; What Comes Next?

On Thursday, President Biden, flanked by Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), and key Senators from both sides of the aisle, endorsed a broad infrastructure framework. The agreement totals $973 billion over five years or $1.2 trillion over eight years, with $559 billion in new spending. This includes an additional $20 billion in broadband funding repurposed from COVID-19 relief. The full fact sheet put out by the Biden Administration can be found here, and the perspective from Republican Senators can be found here. It is worth noting, as we have reported previously, that the Senate-passed water infrastructure bill, and the committee-passed surface transportation bills from the Senate Commerce and Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committees are included as planks within this agreement.

[su_button url=”https://www.deepwaterpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Infrastructure-Update-Week-of-6.21.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ff9900″ color=”#000000″ size=”8″]View Full Summary[/su_button]

June 19, 2021 Build Back Better Agenda and 117th Congress developments on Business Operations


Build Back Better Agenda and 117th Congress developments from June 5-June 19, 2021, relevant to:

Federal Department and Agency Actions, Biden Administration Actions

OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard, Other Updated Workplace Safety Guidance Issued

On Thursday, June 10, OSHA issued its long-awaited Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) related to COVID-19. The ETS was originally expected to apply across all workplaces, but the
final version only applies to certain healthcare settings. A fact sheet is available here. The ETS goes into effect fourteen days after it is published in the Federal Register and will remain in effect for six months or until another standard supersedes it, whichever happens first.

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June 17, 2021 117th Congress Infrastructure & Climate Change Agenda


117th Congress Infrastructure & Climate Change Agenda

A Comparison of the Various Infrastructure Proposals

This week, we want to provide an overview of the various infrastructure proposals and potential paths forward for passage into law. Like the American Rescue Plan Act, President Biden’s infrastructure (both “hard” and “human”) is a massive enterprise. Since the President offered his American Jobs Plan in late March, there have been a series of informal offers, and counteroffers, between the White House and Senate Republicans. Moreover, both the House and Senate Democratic majorities have moved major portions of the President’s plan through Committee, while putting their own mark on the package. In the past few weeks, a bipartisan group of Senators and Members of Congress have been developing yet another counterproposal, which they introduced to the public on Wednesday.

[su_button url=”https://www.deepwaterpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Infrastructure-Update-Week-of-6.14-Final.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ff9900″ color=”#000000″ size=”8″]View Full Summary[/su_button]

June 11, 2021 President Biden’s First Overseas Trip


President Biden’s First Overseas Trip

Plus, a look at global vaccine distribution & police reform

Beyond the rapidly changing infrastructure landscape (you can read WSW’s full report here), other sensitive and timely topics may have slipped under the radar. With the clock ticking until the July 4th recess, a sense of urgency has overtaken Washington.

Here’s What You Might Have Missed
Testy Debate over Defense Spending. Yesterday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin faced tough questions from Senate Republicans regarding the President’s flat defense budget request. They argued that it will make the U.S. less competitive globally, especially in efforts to combat China. Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Jack Reed (D-RI), described the President’s budget request as a starting point.

President Biden’s First Trip Overseas. This week, the President made his first overseas trip to the United Kingdom, where he and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson met on an array of issues, including signing an Atlantic Charter. Biden is overseas to meet with other world leaders at the G-7, where combating China and lessening income inequality worldwide will be top priorities. The President hopes to rekindle American relationships with Europe following President Trump’s often-tumultuous interactions with his European counterparts.

Gubernatorial Primaries in New Jersey & Virginia. Democrats in Virginia and Republicans in New Jersey went to the polls to select their candidates for governor (Virginia’s Republican nominee was selected by a unique convention process, and New Jersey’s Democratic incumbent ran unopposed for his reelection). By all accounts, the results were unremarkable – former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe won the nomination in a landslide, and the establishment candidate in New Jersey, Jack Ciattarelli, beat back two vocally pro-Trump challengers. Both general elections will likely demonstrate the staying power of President Trump in American political life.

Here’s What You Should Be Watching
Global Vaccine Distribution. The President announced that the U.S. government is going to purchase 500 million vaccine doses from Pfizer to distribute globally. Moderna is currently in talks with the U.S. government to do the same. As the virus, unfortunately, continues to run rampant around the world, keep an eye on if these vaccines help staunch the infection rate.

Police Negotiations at a Standstill. Yesterday, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), the main Republican negotiator on police reform legislation, shared with national press that Democrats and Republicans are far off from a deal. This conflicts with other leaks from earlier this week which indicated that the two sides were close to a deal on qualified immunity. Scott has taken the posture that a deal needs to be reached by June 28.




117th Congress Infrastructure & Climate Change Agenda


117th Congress Infrastructure & Climate Change Agenda

What You Need to Know Now about President Biden’s Infrastructure Package as Both the House & Senate Move Major Pieces of the Package Forward

This week, we want to provide an overview on current proposals and the potential paths forward for a federal infrastructure package, and to help you prepare for both the opportunities and risks that might impact your enterprise and constituency.

[su_button url=”https://www.deepwaterpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Week-of-5.3.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ff9900″ color=”#000000″ size=”8″]View Full Summary[/su_button]

May 31, 2021 Infrastructure Slog Continues


Infrastructure Slog Continues
Plus, the impact of a disappointing jobs report

Even though Congress was out-of-session this week, the “drip, drip, drip” of news in Washington continued. As you have heard from your WSW team, the FY22 President’s Budget Request was released last Friday. You can read the full budget fact sheet here.

[su_button url=”https://www.deepwaterpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Week-of-5.31.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ff9900″ color=”#000000″ size=”8″]View Full Summary[/su_button]

May 24, 2021 A Congressional Timeline of What’s to Come


A Congressional Timeline of What’s to Come

This week has been characterized by the slow grind of the Senate, with everything and not much happening at the same time. With the President’s budget release imminent, we wanted to give you a very brief update on what has happened in DC this week and what to see next. Under Biden’s budget proposal, federal spending would jump to $6 trillion in the coming fiscal year – with the deficit exploding by more than $1.3 trillion over the next decade. While aspirational, this budget reflects the Biden Administration’s efforts to “Build Back Better,” with domestic spending increases being most notable. Keep an eye on the debate in Congress over the proposal.

[su_button url=”https://www.deepwaterpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Week-of-5.24.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ff9900″ color=”#000000″ size=”8″]View Full Summary[/su_button]

May 17, 2021 Infrastructure Negotiations Continue


Infrastructure Negotiations Continue
Plus, an update on redistricting

Washington is still anticipating the release of the President’s first FY22 budget – and the Administration bumped it back a day, from May 27 to May 28. Regardless, our commentary from last week stands: unlike other budgets, the proposed significant increase in domestic spending (versus a more modest increase in defense spending) will strike a chord with Congressional Democrats, making this budget more consequential than previous ones.

[su_button url=”https://www.deepwaterpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Week-of-5.17.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ff9900″ color=”#000000″ size=”8″]View Full Summary[/su_button]